Historically, religion and politics are the two things
people do not want to talk about.
Considering our current political season I might question the later of
those two topics. It seems like many
people want to converse on the candidates, although experience tells me it is
out of concern and maybe even frustration.
If the current data from Pew Research is correct, religion might be the one
topic people really do not want to discuss. I am left to wonder why that is. If indeed our relationship with God is so
life-changing, why do we not want to talk about it.
I think there are three different approaches when it comes
to talking about religion and our personal faith. Many of us wait until the topic comes up, only
then interjecting our faith perspective.
Others casually mention church activities, hoping someone might open the
door for us. The third group I think of
as “the Bible thumpers.” These folks
quote a lot of scripture and often talk with disdain about the “sins of this
world.” It might even involve some
finger pointing when they deem people need it.
I would like to propose a fourth approach. Be Jesus, and let your actions do the
speaking. This really is not new. It was St. Francis of Assisi who stated, “Speak
the Gospel, and when necessary use words.”
When we show our compassion and concern for those around us we are truly
being Jesus’ disciples. In the process
we might just open the door for a conversation.
That is what our Master did. Sure
he preached, but it was always to his followers or the curious who were there
by choice. When it came to the lost, he
responded to their need and then used that opportunity to gently deliver his
If we live as people of compassion and hope, somewhere along
the line someone might comment on that.
They might even inquire as to how we are different. They might even ask about the source of our
ability to even respond to crisis with a sense of hope, rather than despair.
That open door might be the opportunity to share the message of Jesus Christ.
If some Millennials look with disdain on the church and
those who affiliate with it, the only way to change that is to provide them
with a different perspective.