OK, do I have your attention? Seems like that's what Southwest Airlines wants to do. They have wrapped one of their 737's in one of Sports Illustrated swim suit models. Just think, next time you fly your family to Sea World you may take bakini clad Bar Refaeli instead of Shamu. The response has been mixed. Some people have contacted the airline to protest, while others are calling it a marketing breakthrough.
Southwest Airlines is not the only one catching flak. The Armani Exchange at the Dallas Galleria has raised some eyebrows with a Valentines Day Heart made from red condoms. So, what's a parent supposed to say when junior remarks, "Those are funny looking Lifesavers."
Seriously, if you are offended by either of these attempts to use sex as a marketing tool, I would encourage you to let the companies involved know how you feel.
In reality this is nothing new. How many billboards that line our highways use sex to get our attention? How do you respond when your daughter asks, "Is a gentleman's club a good place to meet a nice young man?"
I would really encourage you to use these opportunities to discuss this issue with your teenager. Show them the picture and ask for their opinion. Ask them how they feel about having an airline exploit a young woman? Seek their view of condoms in a window. Pose the question, "What does this say about our countries morality?"
We can't do much about the world we live in. We can however take positive steps to help our kids respond to it.
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