Monday, April 18, 2011

Some Thoughts on Rob Bell and Hell

Pastor Rob Bell is in the news these days. This week's Time Magazine bears the cover, "What if There is No Hell?" That is an issue raised because of some things Rob Bell says in his new book, Love Wins. For those who are not familiar with Rob Bell, he is pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is best known for his provocative Nooma video series.

Let me say upfront that I have not read Love Wins. It is on my "must read" list, but I have done enough digging to think I know where Rob Bell is coming from. I am not so sure that he is questioning the existence of hell, as he is theological rigidity, and a faith that excludes anyone. In the words of St. Paul in Colossians 1:20, "an through him (Jesus) to reconcile to himself all things, things on earth and things in heaven, by making peace through the cross." If there is a hell, and I do believe that there is, it is up to God to determine who is condemned to punishment. For those of us who believe in Jesus Christ as our hope, the focus needs to be on heaven and the eternal victory.

I do a lot of reading, and some of my reading is of a spiritual nature. When I want to be challenged in my faith I usually read Philip Yancey or Mark Buchanan. I don't agree with everything they write, but then that true of most non-fiction authors. Faith is a very personal thing. I am a Lutheran because it comes closest to what I personally believe. I hope that I have passed on my faith to my children. I truly believe that each of them in their own way has established their own personal faith.

That is what I would encourage all parents to do. Develop a personal relationship with God. In the process, come to know yourself as his child. Share your faith story with your kids. Then, place them in the right environment and give them the tools to develop their own personal faith.

This is what I do know. Jesus died for me and in the process defeated sin, death and the devil. His Resurrection Victory is my victory, and I can't wait to get to heaven to celebrate that victory with him.

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