Few events stir-up more fear and anticipation than having your teen get their first drivers license. I was reminded of this while at DFW Airport this morning. I spend one morning a week serving as a DFW Airport Ambassador. Sitting at an information booth puts me in constant contact with the traveling public. In this case it was a dad traveling with his two teenager daughters. He inquired on how to get to the Rental Car Center. While I explained, the two girls discussed what kind of car they were going to be touring Dallas in. Referring to the oldest daughter he remarked, "She just finished drivers education and is anxious to get her license. I am not sure I am ready for that." "Been there - Done that," I thought.
Getting a license and being behind the wheel for alone for the first time is a big deal for a teenager. For parent there are a lot of mixed feelings. No more chauffeuring - balanced against the increased cost for insurance. As our teens gain more freedom, our anxiety usually rises. Barb and I negotiated our way through that period with a few scary moments and some funny stories to tell. In the end we survived. In the process helped our kids achieve the freedom they cherished and we desired.
AAA offers some recommendations to make the transition easier and safer. Ironically, many of the tips focus on parents. It begins with being a positive and responsible role model. If you are a safe and law-abiding driver, your kids probably will be too. Secondly,know and understand your teen. The reality is some kids are responsible enough to drive before they turn sixteen, others still can't handle the responsibility at age twenty-one. Another tip: Designate your car a "cell-free zone." Make it a family rule that the driver has their phone turned off. Identify one passenger as the "designated texter." That individual can monitor the GPS and stay alert for any messages.
Getting your drivers license, like graduating from high school and heading off to college, is just another right of passage.
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