I've heard a number of people say that this might be the most important presidential election in our country's history. Most of them are fellow Christian who are disturbed at the direction our country is taking. I share their concerns when I comes to the President Obamas' health plan. What I find more disconcerting is our national stance on Gay Rights and same-sex marriage. I am not sure I want to lay the blame at the feet of one particular individual and even point at one political party as being at fault.
This is not something that began with the Obama administration. We have been on the skids morally and economically for a long a long time. When it comes to the moral issues, I compare our nation to the frog in the kettle analogy. If you increase the temperature slowly the poor frog never notices until they boil to death. In the case of our moral dilemma the heat has been increasing for some time. The changes have been gradually happening for many years. How long has it been since abortions were made legal?
If there is blame to be placed here, I think it needs to fall on Christian parents, fathers in particular. I've recently been doing a lot of reading in the Old Testament book of Joshua. The same pattern is followed in the Book of Judges as well. When the people forget who God is and how he has blessed them in the past, things go down the toilet in a hurry. There is but One God and he made the rules. Our only task is to live by them and teach our children to do the same. It's not the church's responsibility to do that. It falls on moms and dads. See Exodus 13:14 for example. Thankfully we live in the New Testament era, so we live under grace. Our salvation is secure and we don't need to rely on our obedience. As God's people we still need to seek to do his will, with the full knowledge that life will be full of trouble if we don't
The solution lies in making sure the heritage of faith is passed on to the next generation. It also happens when we reflect our faith and values in our personal lives. It's also glorified when we elect to office those who will make God-pleasing decisions.
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