Yesterday the Texas State Board of Education members adopted new high school science textbooks. The new texts includes full coverage of evolution without the disclaimers that religious conservatives and critics of Darwin's theory had sought. Frankly, I am not surprised by the decision. It is just another example of a shift toward a more secular culture. A few years ago I had the opportunity to hear creationist Dr. Kenneth Ham. He might be the first speaker at a Lutheran educators conference that travels with a personal bodyguard, a result of numerous death threats. Yes, it is a cultural war that is being waged.
It's a reality that many teenagers who have grown up in the church are forsaking the faith many of their ancestors have held so precious. While there has always been some attrition during the college years, experts like Dr. Ham are quick to point out that now faith is being challenged during the high school years. Often the crucible is evolution. Students are being taught a theory that runs counter to the stories they were taught in Sunday school, and unfortunately they often do not have the resources to process the information. Perhaps that is the problem: We teach stories while the world teaches theories. Theories are generally tested propositions that can be used as principles to explain or predict. Hence, the theory of evolution contains principles that purportedly explain the origin of all living species, including mankind. Unfortunately, all to often we teach our children using picture books and when the moving on to the Genesis account. In this day and age that is not sufficient. It's not enough to simply teach that, "God created the heavens and the earth." Creation theory must also be taught. Our students must also be taught how to process information and defend their faith.
The secularization of our culture is a reality. It is no longer enough to just teach our children doctrine. The future of the church hinges on our ability to equip them to defend that faith as well.
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