Sunday, February 2, 2014

It's Mr. President, Please!

I have a pet peeve.  Actually I have several of them: people who don't use their turn signals is one.  Another is the announcer who introduces the traffic report on the radio saying, "Traffic is brought to you by Kroger," as if a grocery store wanted to take credit for DFW traffic problems.  I also have a thing about people who don't cross the street at the crosswalks, especially when it's in front of a McDonald's.  During this election season I am reminded of another pet peeve: it's people, especially other politicians, who refer to our President as "Obama."  "Texas needs to stand up to Obama and his liberal policies."  "We need to send a message to Obama."

It does not matter whether you agree with him or not, Mr. Obama is our President.  Even if you did not vote for him, he deserves our respect, and our prayers.  The Bible is very clear on that:

1 Timothy 2:1-2: "Pray for those in authority."

Romans 13:1: "Everyone should submit to authorities."

Titus 3:1: "Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities."

Jesus took a stand on the issue, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and God what is God."  (Luke 20:25)

Why is this an issue for me?  I am very uncomfortable with the message that it sends to young people.  The best way to teach values and respect is to model it.  The way we speak in front of our children does leave an impression.  The things we say about politician, law enforcement officials and even our pastors and spiritual leaders do carry a lot of weight when it comes to the younger generation.  The best way to express our opinion is at the ballot box.

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