Over the weekend Barb and I celebrated The Fourth of July. No matter how I celebrate it, the holiday is always special for me. This year was no different. We kept our tradition and spent the evening of July 3rd watching the fireworks in Addison. Kaboom Town is annually rated as one of the top displays in the country. After putting out the flag on the Fourth, I spent some time working in the yard. Our son, Mark, stopped by in the afternoon and I cooked some steaks on the grill. We played bocci ball and spent time sharing family memories. Sunday we traveled to Aledo where we celebrated Peter's birthday with the whole family together, minus Kristen who is still in Africa.
Before I began any other activities on The Fourth, I spent time in God's Word. I was directed to Psalm 33:12. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance." (NIV) I reflected on our heritage as "One nation under God" and yes I grieved at how far we seem to have drifted. As a country, I don't feel our values are in line with God's plan. Our national motto might be, "In God we Trust." but statistics seem to indicate that a minority of the population see Jesus Christ as their Lord in Savior. Even if we trust in God, we seem to place our hope in ourselves and our own resources.
As I listen to other older adults, I sense that I am not alone. I like to spend some time each week working in coffee shops, usually a Starbucks. Recently, attracted by the 49 cent senior coffee, I stopped by the local McDonalds to get some work done. A group of at least a half dozen senior men sat nearby. I assume from the conversations they were house regulars. I also discerned that they had a negative view of our society, especially those under thirty or who were from a different culture. It was too much. I finished my coffee and decided to continue my writing at home. Too much negativity.
As adults we have a choice. We can complain, or we can set out to make a difference. Nothing is accomplished if we invest all our energy into bemoaning how bad things are. If we are change our culture, it must begin with us. If our country has drifted from our heritage, perhaps it is because we have failed to share the message. If that is the case, the best time to initiate change is now. Pass the Torch.
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