Friday, November 20, 2015

People of Faith, not Fear

"The wise man built his house upon a rock."  It is a simple children's song that I recall singing many times back when I would lead Sunday School and Vacation Bible School worship.  We sang it again last Sunday.  Our pastor taught it to a new generation of little ones during his children's message.  He also had us gather in a circle for prayer at the beginning of the worship service.  We prayed for the people of Paris and those who grieve after the tragic terrorist attack.  Both the prayer time and the simple song seemed appropriate for this time when our world could be rocked again.

Note I used the word "could" when I reflected on the current terrorist threat.  Seems to me we have been down this road before; Oklahoma City, 9/11 and various mass shootings. Like everyone else, I can recall where I was, and what I was doing when the news broke. In each case I had a choice when it came to how I responded.  Each Christian faces the same option.  Do we respond with faith and hope, or fear?

In a time when it seems like one tragedy follows another, I still find comfort and hope in knowing God is in charge and the victory has already been won.  Even this "not so wise" man has built his home on the rock of Jesus Christ.  That needs to be our message and testimony in these days.  Our prayers need to be for the survivors and those touched by the tragedies, but there should no need for panic or mass hysteria.  Remember Jesus words, "In this world you will have trouble.  Fear not I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)  I truly believe the strongest testimony we can give as Christians is found in the way we respond to tragedy.

We need to live in the hope of the Risen Savior in these days.  It is especially vital that children and teens hear words of grace and hope in these days.  If we respond with anger, or fear we are in effect denying our faith.  That is not the message Jesus would want us to share.  When the First Century disciples faced terror, they responded even louder with the Good News of the Risen Savior.

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