During the Christmas season we expect to hear the Luke 2
account of our Savior’s birth. During
the season of Epiphany we hear the story of the visit of the Magi as told by
Matthew. Both Gospel also contain
narratives on the announcement of the Jesus’ birth; Matthew tells the story
from Joseph’s perspective and the more detailed account of Mary’s story is
found in Luke. But, there is another
Christmas gospel. It is found in John
1. While Matthew and Luke provide the
details of the event, John provides insight into the meaning of Jesus’ birth. While Matthew traces Jesus lineage back to
Abraham and Luke connects the story to Old Testament prophesy, John goes one
better and connect Jesus birth with the beginning of the world at creation.
“In the beginning was the Word.”
(John 1:1). The fact that the “Word” is
capitalized causes us to assume it is a proper noun, meaning Jesus is the
“Word.” John links Jesus, “The Word,” to
creation. That means that all three
persons of The Trinity were present at the beginning of the world. God the Father was the creator who called
things into existence, and the Spirit was present “hovering over the waters” but what role did Jesus play in creation? Translated into Greek, “The Word” is Logos. In this context term “The Logos” appears twice
in the scriptures, at creation and at the birth of Jesus.
In the beginning “the earth was formless
and empty.” (Genesis 1:2). It was
encompassed in darkness. I would propose
that Jesus' role was to enter into that chaos and bring a sense of peace. I believe that is the message John is
delivering at the beginning of his gospel.
In John 1:14 he writes, “The Word (“The Logos”) became flesh and lived a
while among us.” Jesus brought the same
sense of peace to the first century world as he brings today. The word “Peace” is often associated with the
Christmas season. Even the secular world
uses the word “Peace” at Christmas time, but those of us who get the message
realize that the only “true peace” can be found in “The Logos.”
My prayer for you this Christmas
is that you may experience the “peace” of the Christ Child in an even deeper
way. I also pray that “The Logos” may
bring peace to the chaos that is your world.
I further pray that through you people may see the peace of the Christ
Child. Our world may seem to have lost it
way and be in a state of chaos, but the Prince of Peace has come to restore
order and remove the darkness that covers the earth. You are his instrument to accomplish
that. My God grant that through the
power of His Spirit, this Christmas and in 2016.
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