Monday, January 2, 2017

Christmas Peace in the New Year

I am a traditionalist when it comes to the celebration of our Lord’s Birth.  I take the carol of the Twelve Days of Christmas to heart.  The season of Christmas begins on December 25th but continues until January 6th.  Our decorations are still up and each day the magi move a step closer to the manger scene.   They will finally arrive on Epiphany.  Daily I revisit the Christmas story.  As we enter the New Year the initial words of the angel to the shepherds ring in my mind, “Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy for all people.”

As we enter a New Year I sense a lot of "fear" and uncertainty among people.  Almost on a daily basis we hear reports of terrorist attacks, or mass shootings.  On a political level, I cannot recall a time when our nation is more divided.  We will soon have a new president, even though over have the population voted for his opponent.  I sense that many of those who support our new leader did so because they fear the threat of change.  In their minds, new immigrants and the growth of other culture within our country are a reason for fear.

On a personal level I must acknowledge I live daily with fear.  As I age I worry about my health.  I am also aware that my wife is a cancer survivor and every six month we have to go through follow-up visits.  We fear the cancer returning.  Okay, I am even afraid to get behind the wheel of my car sometimes.  Driving in Dallas can be scary.  I worry about the welfare of our kids and grandkids.  Life is so delicate and at times it seems like we are hanging by a thread.

Then I remember the words of the angel.  “Do not be afraid.”  Jesus has conquered sin, death and the devil.  The stuff that happens here is just temporary.  My eternity is secure and Jesus will never abandon me.  There is so much more.  This is “good news of great joy for all people.”  If all people are come to know the joy, it must happen through me.  When I live joyfully and fearlessly, I open the door for them to see Jesus in me. 

That is my challenge to you as we begin the New Year.  Live fearlessly!  Live joyfully!  If the next generation is to get that message, it must happen through us.

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