Monday, January 1, 2018

A Millennial Nativity?

It is the eighth day of Christmas and in our home the magi have moved a bit closer to the nativity scene.  Our tradition is the nativity scene comes out when the tree goes up on the first Sunday in Advent.  The Christ Child does not join the scene until Christmas Eve and the magi finally arrive on Epiphany, January 6.  In addition to the manger scene we have had since the first year of our marriage, we have added a Little People nativity this year.  That is a nod to our youngest grandson, seventeen month old Daniel.  I am never sure where I am going to find the magi from that scene. I recently sat town in my favorite recliner only to find a magi holding a gold box wedged between the cushions.   

I was tempted to add another nativity set to this year’s display.  Maybe you have seen the Hipster Nativity.  I do not know why they choose the dated term “Hipster.”  To me the new nativity more reflects our millennial culture.   In the latest version, the shepherd is wearing earbuds and carrying an I-pad, I assume so he can keep his friends updated on his experience on social media.  Instead of camels the magi are riding Segways and carrying Amazon gift boxes.  Joseph is taking a selfie and Mary is holding a Starbuck’s coffee.  And there are solar panels on the stable.

I will admit that when I first saw then new edition of the nativity I was a little offended. But then I got to thinking: even our traditional manger display probably does not accurately portray the actual setting.  We tend to glamorize the tableau when we sing about silent nights, a quiet little town and sweet smells.  In actuality it was probably cold and messy, not to mention smelly. 

The only constant in any manger scene, no matter how it is portrayed, is the Christ Child.  That is an important thing to remember as we enter 2018.  Culture and style might change, but Jesus remains the same.  Values might have shifted but God’s passionate desire to love His people is consistent.  A changeless Christ for an ever changing world: That is the Good News.

My prayer is that you find some new ways to share that message and pass the torch of faith in 2018.

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