Friday, July 6, 2018

Like a Mighty Army

The United States Army is looking for a new slogan.  Evidently “Army Strong” does not speak to the current generation of new recruits.  The Army wants a slogan closer to “Be All You Can Be” which was successful during the 1980s and 1990s.  They feel such a motto would resonate better with Millennials.  The Army has nearly 1 million soldiers in the active-duty, in reserve forces, and in the Army National Guard.   It is now looking for a new catchphrase that relates its story.  Army Sergeant Major Daniel Dailey recently told reporters, "I think we have to change our marketing strategy as an Army, and we are looking at that right now,"  

According to The Business Insider, The US Navy has also struggled to find a recruiting slogan that captures the attention of millennials. They recently retired their last slogan, "A Global Force for Good," in favor of, "Forged by the Sea."

All of this has caused me to wonder why churches have not gotten on board and come up with a catchy refrain designed to reach the current generation of teens and young adults.  Across the board, mainline denominations are in decline.  Perhaps a catchy slogan would speak to a new generation.  If the Navy has dropped “A Global Force for Good” perhaps we could rephrase that as “A Force to Save the World.” 

Then I got to thinking.  Each of us should be a living slogan.  The church really should be an “Army of One.”  I recall some of the great hymns of the past, “Like a mighty army, moves the church of God.  Brothers we are treading where the saints have trod.”  I fear we have become complacent.  A catchy jingle does not mean a thing if people do not live up to their calling.  God has called us to be "A Force to Save the World."

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