Saturday, March 9, 2019

Reflections on Turning 73

I recently celebrated another birthday.  Overall, it was a pretty typical day.  It’s probably a sign of the times that one of the things on my agenda that day was a visit to my chiropractor.  It took me a long time to discover that other than my wife, I needed another person to keep me in line.  I did hear from all three of our kids and got some crazy cards.  There were also some meaningful greetings on Facebook.  I do feel loved and appreciated, and no I do not feel like 73. 

There are a couple of things that I have learned along the way.  I wish I had learned some of them sooner, but then one thing I have learned is “no regrets.” 

Daily quiet time alone with the Lord is not an option.  I wish I had learned this earlier in my ministry years.  For decades my spiritual life was a mess.   I wanted to do “great things for the Lord” not realizing I needed to be spiritually fit to do that.  It was during my time as school counselor at Lutheran High of Dallas that I realized I needed to be equipped spiritually for each day.  My days started early because I needed be ready for what God would put before me that day.  God never let me down.  Time and again he gave me exactly what I needed.  That routine continues to this day.

Live John 3:17.  “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” I am not called to judge those I meet.  I only called to love them.  My prayer each day is that people might come to know Jesus through me.  It is a vastly different world than the one I grew up in.  The church is no longer viewed as a safe place, rather as a institution that is judgmental and hostile toward those outside its walls.  If the image of the church is to change, it must begin with me.  I must love them for who they are, who I would like them to be.  Only then is there hope they will become who God wants them to be.

I have learned to value family and friends.  I cherish the time I get to spend with my family.  We are so blessed to have all of our children and grandchildren within an hour drive.  I especially value the honest one-on-one talks that I can have each of them.  I value my church family at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church.  I feel especially blessed to be part of our daughter, Katie’s, music ministry.  I also treasure the close relationship I have with my Bible study buddies, Dave, Gary and Dan.  I also am grateful to be part of the DFW-DCE community.  Their youthful spirit and enthusiasm keeps me young and in touch with the realities of ministry today.

God is good.  I pray that he continues to give me good health and a youthful spirit. 

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