Monday, July 15, 2019

The Future of the Church

As I write this I am sitting in the lobby of a hotel in Minneapolis.  This place has been my home for the last week as I served on the adult care team for the LCMS National Youth Gathering.  I am mentally and physically exhausted.  I have walked an average of 18,000 steps (about 7 miles) over the last five days.  During that time I have ministered to more folks than I can count as I help folks walk through the highs and lows of a youth gathering.  I have also reconnected with numerous friends from various chapters of my past. 

I have come away convinced of two things: the future of the church is bright and youth gatherings are worth the investment of both time and energy.  I have long maintained the mission trips and youth gatherings are important cornerstones in building the future church.  They can be life changing events for the young people who participate and a shot of encouragement to those adults who minister to them.  While I have no statistics to go on, I suspect a good percentage of the kids who attended this gathering will end up in professional ministry.  Another good percentage will pursue other careers but still reflect on this experience as they become adult disciples. 

Make no mistake: youth gatherings are not cheap.  As part of the gathering staff, my expenses including travel, lodging and meals, have been covered.  Multiply that by the two hundred community life builders and you begin to get the idea.  Putting together a program is also expensive.  Kids will be turned off if the media, lights and sound are not first-rate.  Toby Mac was the opening night concert.  Not a cheap act but well worth every penny, as shown by the response from the youth. 

Bottom Line: The church needs to continue support these events. Plans are already underway for the 2022 gathering in Houston.  I would encourage you to support your church’s youth ministry as well.  Make sure both the volunteer and professional staff are supported and cared for.  Support any fund raiser the youth group sponsors, they really do help defray the cost for events life this.  Pray daily for the teens and those who minister to them.  Most importantly: get engaged in ministering to a youth as well.  If you have a role in your church, consider who will be doing that in ten years.  Unless we mentor young people the church will lack the people resources it needs. 

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