Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tear Down the Silos and Pitch a Tent

As 2020 begins I am in the early stages of a new project.  I had been saying for a couple of years that I did not want to write another book.  First-off, I know from experience it is a lot of work.  Secondly, I knew the book I wanted to write would make some people uncomfortable, maybe even angry.  As a confirmed affirmation addict I was not sure I wanted to take that risk. 

Two events changed my mind.  While I was recuperating from my August hip replacement surgery I had trouble sleeping.  Restless night give you time to think.  Many of the thoughts seemed to focus on the future of mainline denominations in America.  I am sure it was God sending me a message.  The concept for my next project was becoming clear.  Still I put it off.    

Then in October our oldest son, Peter, received a call to be mission developer mission in Towson, Maryland.  I watch Peter and his family struggle with the decision.  It was clear that God had plans that even he did not understand.  He admitted to continually saying “no” but God kept sending a “yes” messages.  In the end Peter accepted the call.  He will start his new ministry in a few weeks.  Our oldest grandson, Andrew (age 16), will accompany him.  Amy, and the other two boys, Caleb (13) and Jonathan (12), will finish the school year here in Texas before moving.  Peter’s leap of faith provided the nudge I needed. 

So, I am beginning work on Tear Down the Silos and Pitch a Tent: The Future of the Church in America.  God has given me a vision of a church that looks very different from that of the typical congregation most of us grew up with.  While I am excited about the future of Christianity, there are probably more questions than answers at this point.  I just know the traditional formula of putting up a building and expecting people to come no longer works.  While the traditional model for parish ministry served us well for decades, in most cases does fit our current culture. 

I would ask for your prayers as I move forward.  My hope is to not just write a book, but provide a resource that worship communities can use as they look to the future.  I have no time table but promise to keep you updated. 

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