Saturday, June 27, 2020

National DCE Day

Yesterday was National DCE Day.  The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod observes the day each year as a way of recognizing the ministries of Directors of Christian Education.  DCE’s are commissioned ministers within the LCMS. 

I sorta came into DCE ministry through the side door.  I like to joke that I flunked student teaching, but the truth is God put me exactly where I needed to be.  Along with my wife, Barb, I graduated from Concordia-River Forest in 1969.  There were over twenty calls for DCE's and only two were graduating from the program.  The fact that I had a minor in youth ministry made me a likely candidate. 

In many ways I was one of the round pegs they put into a square hole; lots of gaps around the edge.  I served four congregations as a parish DCE and then spent two years on staff with the Texas District.  I finished out my full-time ministry as school counselor at Lutheran High School of Dallas.  In retirement, I am a writer/consultant equipping others for ministry in this challenging time.  I am now, and always have been, proud to say I am a DCE!

I have had great mentors, starting with Dr. Stephen Schmidt who headed the youth ministry program at Concordia.  Along the way I had fellow DCE’s who came along side me.  During my Northern Illinois days Larry Brandt, Jack Giles and Mark Diefenthaler come to mind.  Since moving to Texas in 1988 I have also been surrounded by a great support system.  Ron Scherch, Doug Widger, Serena Pace and especially Dave Rahberg come to mind.  On a district level I valued the ministry of Rev. Bill Ameiss, Dr. Keith Loomans and Paul Krentz.
I have been blessed. 

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