Singing praise has always been a big part of my life. I am not particularly musical. I cannot hold a candle to my wife and
daughter, both of whom are trained church musicians. My parents both sang in the church choir and
I became part of the children’s choir as soon as I was eligible. I graduated to the youth choir and eventually
to the bass section of the senior choir.
I sang in the chorus all four years in high school. As an adult I have sung in the church choir
and been part of the contemporary worship team at church.
Some of my fondest memories growing up are being seated
next to my grandmother in church singing the traditional hymns. Many of those hymns still sustain me
today. I tend to lean on them during times
of struggle. If you were to ask my favor
hymn, I would probably point to Abide with Me, but these days I find comfort
in Jesus Savior, Pilot Me. Both
remind me that Jesus is my anchor in the midst of uncertain times.
One of the things I struggle with most during this time
when I am forced to worship remotely, is singing. The songs are the same but something is
lacking in the impact when you sing a worship song in a room by yourself. That struck me this morning as I found myself
reflecting on Psalm 111:1 in my personal devotional time. How I long for the time when I can again join
the assembly in praising God.
I guess there is a reason I found a special meaning this past
Sunday when one of the songs we sang in worship was Blessed be Your Name.
be your name when the sun’s shining down on me…
be your name.
be your name on the road marked with suffering…
be your name.”
May God strengthen me so I can find reasons to continually
praise Him, even in the midst of isolation and uncertainty.
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