Sunday, June 27, 2021

Be Strong and Courageous


Our son, Mark, gave me a copy of New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp for my birthday.  It contains 365 daily devotions, one for each day of the year.  Since my birthday falls on March 6, I began my one-year journey there.  I quickly discovered that the author seemed to be in tune not only with my spiritual needs but with the realities of being a disciple in a challenging world.

I found today’s message to be especially insightful.  He referenced the story of Joshua that begins in Joshua 1.  The leader of the Children of Israel faced a daunting task.  He was called to lead them across the Jordan River into the land promised them by God.  There were two distinct problems; 1) The land was already occupied. 2) The people were reluctant to move forward.  In the midst of that God’s command was clear and concise.  He must have wanted Joshua to get it straight because He repeated it three time; “Be strong and courageous.”

Like Joshua, we as disciples of Jesus are being called into a foreign and often antagonistic culture.  It is a world where the church is not only being viewed as “out of touch” but judgmental.  It is a much different world than the one we lived in even twenty years ago.  Still the command is clear.  As we go on our way we are to “make disciples,” sharing the good news of Jesus. 

The words from God to Joshua should be ringing in our ears, “have I not commanded you, only be strong and courageous.”  God promises not only to protect us but provide us with exactly what we need.   Our success does not depend on us or our words and actions.  We need to be persistent agents of grace and mercy.  This does not mean the task will be easy, but whatever the outcome, we live under the hope and promise of the Risen Savior. 

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