A survey released yesterday declares that America is less Christian than it was twenty years ago. Seventy-five percent of Americans now call themselves Christian, as opposed to eighty-six percent in 1990. The data was compiled as part of the American Religous Identification Survey from Trinity College in Connecticut. Christian is not losing influence to other faiths, Muslim, Jewish, Mormon etc. Rather, religion overall is on the decline. Denominations are taking a major hit, with all mainline groups showing a loss in membership.
William Donohue, president of the Catholic League, has an interesting comment. "The three most dreaded words are thou shalt not." People are not athiests, he continued. "They just don't want to be told what to do with their lives."
Comments from two young women that I heard interviewed reinforced Mr. Donohue's statement. One stated, "I don't see anything in religion that benefits me."
I am extremely troubled but not surprised by this trend. In our self absorbed, society that looks for instant gratification, the intangible elements of hope and security beyond this world are a hard sell.
I can tesify that it does make a difference, however. I spend eight to ten hours each week working as a hospital chaplain. I service long-term acute care facilities, meaning many of the people I see are rough shape. Some are in their last days. There is a marked difference between those who are people of faith face that time, as opposed to those outside the faith. Each time I am called into one of those situations I remark the same thing, "Where would I be without Jesus?"
I still maintain the greatest testimony a Christian can give is how they react in time of crisis. Which leads me to my parenting point. We are in a crisis at this time. The current economic situation in our country is scary, and I don't think it is going to end soon. The strongest witness you can give to others, including your own kids, is to face the future with confidence. It's a time to share how our faith is more important than the physical things of this world. All the stuff of this world will pass away but our relationship with Jesus Christ goes beyond this world.
If we believe that, we need to live that. In the process I think we will be making a statement and passing on the heritage of faith to the next generation.
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