Today is my birthday. No, I don't feel like sixty-three. Question of the day is, How did I get here so quickly.
God has a way of helping me keep things in perspective. My devotions this morning had me in 2 Corinthians 4, that's the Jars of Clay chapter. The verse I decided to focus on was verse 16.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though we outwardly are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." (2 Corinthians 4:16 NIV)
I must admit that when I am with other people my age it's easy to feel like I am on the set of Cocoon. How quickly we can focus on our aches and pains. Like many others my age I have a laundry list of health concerns: blood sugar, blood pressure, cholestrol, prostate, acid reflex, etc. I never thought I would reach the point where I would need one of those little pill boxes to keep everything straight. I am there.
Actually, I am not in bad shape for the shape I am in. I walk two miles most days. I watch my diet and am trying, seriously this time, to lose twenty pounds. I have become very good at learning to relax.
I have learned to appreciate those relationship that really matter. I am looking forward to having our family, kids and grandkids, together tomorrow to celebrate. In our changing world, those are the things that really matter.
The one aspect of my life that seems to be on the up-swing is my relationship with God. I still don't understand God's love and grace but I have learned to lavish myself in it. How Great is Our God!!! That's the one thing that matters now and in eternity.
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