Monday, February 14, 2011

Commercial Catch Phrases That Annoy Me, #2

Instant gratification: It's an expression I occasionally hear, but more often it is just implied. Many advertisers have caught on to the fact that the term itself carries with it negative implications. After all, who wants to be labled self indulgent or self absorbed. So instead of the term, instant gratificaton, we hear tempting cues like "no interest or payment for six months," or "no money down." No matter how it is delivered the message is the same, you can have whatever you want right now. The latest in entertainment centers... no problem. Remodel that kitchen to include applicances with the latest in style and technology... go for it.

No work, just play. That is the message that we are sending to our children. Whatever the latest is in style or technology, you can have it to enjoy now. Why wait, and let other people get ahead of you. You don't need to work for it, just sign on the dotted line and it's yours now. You will find a way to pay for it later. The problem is, usually we don't. That is why the average family owes credit card companies thousand of dollars, and why our national debt is measured in trillions of dollars. We have mortgaged the future, so that we can have fun now.

The illusion is that this is an upward spiral leading to a better lifestyle. The reality is it downward spiral that will lead our families and our nation to destruction. If the trend is to stop, and begin to reverse itself it is our responsibility to take the first step. Each household, each family, each parent must make the conscious decision to stop the craving for instant gratification.

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