The Pew Research Center tracks and analyses trends in society and culture. I found one item in an update from them last week very disturbing. According to a survey of 6,000 Americans, gay marriages are becoming much more socially acceptable. The study was conducted last year and then compared to statistics from 1996. In 1996 65%of those surveyed opposed gay marriage and 27% viewed it a favorable. In the most recent study 48% opposed and 42% favored same-sex unions. The moral swing becomes even more dramatic when compared to data from just one year earlier (2009). In one year there was a 5% increase in those viewing gay marriage favorably (37% to 42%).
As a Christian, I view same-sex unions as wrong. From the beginning of creation, God ordained the estate of marriage as a union between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24). When Paul was writing to the Christians in Rome, he states in the opening chapter that, " also abandoned natural relationships with women and were inflamed with lust for one another," (Romans 1:27). Paul traces their depraved conduct (Romans 1:28) to the fact that they had failed to retain the "knowledge of God." We need look no further than the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to see the consequence when people abandon God ordained sexual relationships. If you have doubts I would encourage you to read Genesis 19. Scary stuff!
Passing on the heritage of faith to our children is vital. When it comes to practicing that faith and the walk of discipleship, the sanctity of marriage as the union between one man and one woman is imperative.
For five years in the mid-nineties we had a lesbian couple as next door neighbors. They were very open about their relationship, and knew from early on that I did not approve. Still, I attempted to be cordial. We lent each other garden tools and helped each other out when a lightening strike damaged both of our homes. The day they moved out they made a point of coming over and thanking me for being a good neighbor.
That needs to be our attitude toward those who support or are involved in same-sex unions. Like Jesus we need to hate the sin, but love the sinner. But when it comes to our own children we need to teach them that the union between one man and one woman is the only acceptable form of marriage in God's eyes.
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