Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Touching a Hot Button

It has been four weeks since the release of my new book Passing the Torch: Sharing Faith and Values with the Millennial Generation.  I am a little overwhelmed by the initial response.  While the book hasn't made any one's list of best sellers, I have gotten a lot of positive feedback.  This book is my second attempt at self-publishing.  My first book, Parenting Without Guilt: Avoiding the Seven Things Parents do to Screw-Up Their Kids, did alright in terms of sales but I never had that many invitations to talk about the book.  This time is different and I am getting positive feedback and inquiries.  I've concluded that while there are an abundance of books on parenting, there are not many authors who have tackled the topic of millennials.

What I am hearing is that people want to do something to reverse the trend: Teens and young adults are leaving the traditional church.  This has been happening for over a decade but it seems like people are finally ready to take action.  It's not enough just to be concerned, it takes a desire to understand and seek out millennials.  It also means accepting those whose values and lifestyles might clash with what we believe.  One criticism of the church is that it is not the place to ask questions or to discuss controversial issues.  If you express an opinion that goes against the mainstream, you can expect get a "cold shoulder."  That has to change.

The book attempts to help adults, especially those over forty, to begin to understand those under the age of thirty.  It also includes strategies on how to begin to make a difference.  The bottom line is we need to be people of hope in the midst of change.  When we model our lives after Jesus, we can make a difference.  Remember, Jesus always accepted and loved people for who they were.  He calls us to do the same.  You can check out the book at  The book is available on in both standard and Kindle formats.

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