Monday, April 21, 2014

We are Always Easter People

Those who have read my book Passing the Torch might remember this story but it was much on my mind yesterday as we again celebrated Jesus' Resurrection.  I still reflect on it because it puts the Easter victory in perspective.

Carl Munzel was the organist and choir director at St. James Lutheran Church where I grew up.  My parents sang in the choir and it was expected that my siblings and I would as well.  When eligible, I joined the children's choir and then graduated to the youth choir after confirmation.  Carl Munzel was "old school" and even the children learned parts and often sang a cappella.   During my junior year in high school I was asked to join the senior choir.  As I recall there was shortage treble voices and I was asked to join the bass section.  The Lenten Season was always a busy time for our choirs.  In addition to Sunday mornings, the choir sang every Wednesday night for Lenten services.  We also learned a Lenten cantata that was usually sung on one Wednesday evening.  In the midst of all the somber music, we started to get ready for Easter.  This particular year we must have been struggling to move from "Stricken, Smitten and Afflicted" to "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" because in the middle of a rehearsal Carl got very agitated with us.  Carl Munzel was a short man and he walked with a distinct limp, but that evening he seemed to be a giant as he rose up behind the podium and took us to task.  "You people don't get it," he exclaimed.  "If this was Advent and we were preparing for Christmas you would be excited because we would singing about a baby.  If that baby stayed in the manger, we would not have a Savior.  We are Easter people." 

Carl's message must have been delivered effectively because over fifty years later I still remember it.  Without the Easter victory, we would have no hope, but Jesus did conquer sin, death and the devil.  He also destroyed the barrier between mankind and God.  We are Easter People who can live every day in the hope of the Resurrection.  All the troubles of this world are nothing in comparison to the glory that awaits us in heaven. 

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