Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Relevant: The Church and Millennials

I normally do not use my blog to make personal announcements but I am making a exception because I have some exciting news to share.  As the title of my blog makes clear, I have a passion for millennials.  My last book, Passing the Torch, opened the door for the discussion on how the church has missed the boat when it comes to conveying faith and values to those born in the last two decades of the Twentieth Century.  Over the last year and a half I have been working on a new project which takes the issue of millennials and the church to a new level.  The project is titled Relevant: The Church and Millennials.  

I am now excited to announce that I have signed a contract to have the book published.  I will be working with Westbow Press, the self publishing arm of Zondervan - Thomas Nelson.  Zondervan - Thomas Nelson is the largest publisher of Christian books. Partnering with them is great from a marketing perspective.  The book will also be available on major book websites like Amazon.  It will also be available in all the various e-book formats, including Kindle and Nook.

So what can you expect from the book?  The first portion of the book will highlight all the factors that should make the church marketable to teens and young adults.  It starts with Grace, the unique gift that only a Christian can know and appreciate.  It also talks about how the sacraments, Baptism and The Lord's Supper, are exactly what millennials crave and need.  The second portion of the book will deal with some of the issue that prevents most churches from being effective at reaching millennials.

I anticipate the book being available sometime early this fall.  In the mean time I would appreciate your prayer for the success of this project.  The church is losing its teens and young adults.  It is not too late to reverse the trend.  Prayers will not be enough.  My hope is that church professional and lay leaders will use the book as a resource.  My desire is that it be a starting point in initiating change. As with my other projects, I will be available to talk about the book and the issues it addresses.  I would enjoy visiting with the leaders at your church on how to make your ministry to millennials more effective.

It starts with you.  Spread the word.  The church is still "Relevant!"

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