Monday, February 26, 2018

Gun Control: A Child Shall Lead Them

Mass shootings are becoming too common an occurrence.  Most recently it was Parkland, Florida.  Each time there is a new tragedy there is an immediate outcry for more gun control.  The Second Amendment guarantees the rights of Americans to bear arms.  Gun right activist will be quick to remind us that gun ownership is an entitlement that is guaranteed.  Still the uproar created will result in an appeal of restrictions on weapons of mass destruction.  An additional challenge becomes how to keep any firearm out of the hands of those who should not have them in the first place. 

In most case the public outcry quickly dies down until there is another tragedy when the cycle repeats itself.  Somehow, I hope this time it is different.  Immediately after the heartbreak in Florida the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School immediately took their protest to the State Capital in Tallahassee.  Other students protested in front of the White House and Capital.  Now almost two weeks later, students from Parkland, Florida are appearing around the country calling for change.  They seem determined to not let the issue disappear.

Today’s teens are members of Generation Z.  This is the cohort that was born since 1999.  They have grown up in the shadow of 9/11.  As a result, security is a big deal to them.  In addition to the threat of a terrorist attack, now there is the danger of someone entering their school environment with no purpose other than to inflict harm.  In the same way that we cannot deny their insecurity, we cannot negate their passion to put an end to the violence.  We can add to this the reality that they are the largest and most diverse generation ever.  As they age, they will also become the biggest voting block in history.  They will determine the future direction of our country.  In time, I believe their voices will be heard.  If there is to be an end to gun violence and mass shootings, I have hope this generation will lead us. 

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