Monday, March 5, 2018

Today's Teens More Career Focused

I like to think of myself as an optimist.  Part of that is rooted in my years working with teenagers.  I always wanted to see the positive in kids I was working with.  I looked for potential and tried to help them capitalize on that.  As a high school counselor I looked for the opportunity to give students a second chance.  “What can we do so this does not happen again?” became my favorite question.  That optimistic spirit is probably why I am drawn to Millennials.  I see more positives in them than I do negatives.

I recently read a report on Generation Z that causes me to be even more optimistic about the current group teenagers.  The report came from research done by The Barna Group and published as the book, Gen Z: The Culture, Beliefs and Motivation Shaping the Next Generation.  The study was produced in partnership with the Atlanta based Impact 360 Institute.

One of the striking differences between Generation Z and Millennials was found in their goals and priorities.  According the study the Primary Mark of Adulthood among Generation Z was financial independence (42%), compared to Millennials (25%).  Among Millennials the top priority was emotional maturity (45%).  Emotional maturity was the Primary Mark of Adulthood among 23% of Generation Z who noted that response.  That about-face was reinforced by goals that members of Generation Z listed as important.  Finish my education (66%), Start a career (66%) and Become financially independent (65%) were the top goals.  The bottom line is Millennials put more emphasis on feeling good about themselves, while education and career were the highest priority for Generation Z.
The drive to get an education and start a career, with the goal of financial independence is mostly likely rooted in their experience watching their parents navigate the great recession in 2007 and 2008.  In addition, having grown up post 9/11 they have only known a world where the threat of violence is real.  They sincerely want to change that world and are looking for career choices that will facilitate that.

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