Monday, January 14, 2019

Are You Ready for Recess

Are you ready for Recess?  I am not talking about a break from the routine but rather a new beverage targeted at Millennials.  Seems like Recess has a lot to offer.  For starters, it is a sparkling water infused with CBD (government name: cannabidiol), a nonintoxicating hemp extract that is said to act as a pain reliever, anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory.  The drink also contains adaptogens  that are supposed to reduce stress and improve memory, focus and immunity.  While the company that produces Recess (owned by a Millennial, of course) is based in New York City, it is bottled in the Hudson Valley using natural spring water.  Those who want to enjoy Recess will have to pay a steep price, $29.99 for a six pack of 12 ounce cans.  If you are interested, you can check out their very entertaining website;

Before you jump to conclusions about the sanity of anyone who would pay almost thirty bucks for enhanced sparkling water, let me remind you travelers are willing to pay almost $3 to buy a bottle of water at your local airport.  The only difference between that water and the stuff that comes out of the tap is it is packaged in a plastic bottle with a trendy label.  I’ve always felt guilty drinking bottled water and can only justify it by looking for a recyclable bin when I am finished with it.  If none is available, I will carry it around the empty bottle till I get home.  If you doubt me check out the backseat of my car.  You can usually find several empty plastic bottles just waiting to be recycled.  

I guess I will place Recess beverage on the list of passing fads.  I suspect the owners are laughing their way to the bank.  But, let’s not be so quick to judge.  Somewhere in the back of my sock drawer is a Pet Rock that I paid $4.99 for in 1975.  At least you can drink Recess and probably feel better from it.

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