Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas 24/7/365

Just in time for Christmas, Pew Research released a report that reveals a lot about the way our contemporary culture views Christmas.  Not surprising, the spiritual focus is on the decline.  The survey was done in early December of this year.  Just over two thousand adults, ages eighteen and over, were polled. Among those surveyed, just over half (51%), viewed Christmas as a religious holiday.  About one-third (32%) celebrate Christmas, but view it as a cultural celebration.  Not surprising, fewer Americans are attending worship as part of their celebration of Christmas. 54% said they planned to attend a Christmas worship service, that compares with 69% who noted they had attended Christmas worship in the past.  Even in Dallas, considered to be one of the most "Christian" cities in the country, I noticed a more generic, politically correct observance.  "Happy Holidays" has replaced "Merry Christmas."

As I was out and about today, I was typically greeted with a "Happy Year."  When I responded with a "Merry Christmas" it was often greeted by a somewhat puzzled look.  I am determined to continue to observe the Twelve Days of Christmas, however.  Our outside decorations will stay lit until Epiphany, January 6.  Our tree won't come down until January 7.

We need to do more than just observe the Twelve Days of Christmas, however.  It's not even enough to remind people that "Jesus is the Reason for the Season."  Christmas is all about God bursting into this world in a miraculous way.  It's about God bridging the void between Himself and humanity.  It's about a Savior who not only brought peace, but grace and the forgiveness of sins.  Ultimately it about a Savior that brings hope for eternal life.  That is Good News that needs to be shared in words and deeds 365 days a year.  If we expect the world to join us in the celebration of Jesus' birth, we need to live as His disciples.  May the Spirit of Christmas dwell in your hearts and lives every day.  When the world sees that; maybe they will be more inclined to join us as we celebrate his birthday.

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