Saturday, March 14, 2020

Cuddling with Jesus

God put those words in my heart this morning.  They seem to be appropriate for this time.  Like the rest of the country, I am limiting my contact with other people and taking all the recommended precautions.  I guess Barb and I fall into the “high risk” group.  We are both over seventy and both have “underlying physical conditions.”  While my overall health is good, I am a diabetic.  So I am hunkered down at home.  That means doing a lot of reading and working on latest book.  Who knows, if this goes on for a couple of weeks I might even get the manuscript done ahead of my schedule.

I still am amazed at how different my life is from that a week ago.  My hospital visits are on hold, and we will go to church online tomorrow, instead of gathering with a couple hundred of our closest friends.  With no sports on TV I am enjoying many of my old CD’s I had stashed away in the closet.  I have stopped listening to the news because it is pretty much the “same song, next verse.”  When I need an update, I can find it online and focus on what I need to know, not more doom and gloom.  I am wondering if God just decided we all needed an extended “time out.”

Paul’s words above help me keep things in perspective.  He has things under control.  If he has already defeated sin, death and the devil, why should I be afraid of some “stinking virus?”  I just need to continue to love those around me from a distance and use good judgment.  I sense Jesus wants me to draw close and cuddle with Him.  I pray you might do the same. 

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